CE Requirements

During the 2024 Legislative Session, the West Virginia Legislature updated the CE requirements that apply to the current reporting period ending June 30, 2024.

***For those looking for resources to meet the Injections CE requirement for all licensees – both SECO University and AOA EyeLearn have FREE options to meet the requirements.***

SECO University Option

AOA EyeLearn: Professional Development Hub Login (free to AOA members)


40 hours total are required for each even-numbered two-year cycle.

–A minimum of 12 CE hours taken must be in ocular pharmacology or therapeutics.
–No limit of hours taken in practice management.
–No drug diversion CE is required for renewal. However, upon receiving an initial license, you must take two (2) hours of CE drug diversion within a year of the initial license approval date.

–A maximum of 10 hours of optometric study may be taken by correspondence or via the internet.

–All licensees shall complete two (2) hours of CE in injections.


CE taken at conferences and seminars must be sponsored by the AOA, SECO, state associations, colleges of optometry, medical schools, COPE, or pre-approved by the Board of Optometry. Hours may be taken any time during the two-year period.


A more detailed explanation of CE requirements may be found in our Continuing Education Booklet. 

In addition, Legislative Rule 14-10 under “Laws and Rules Governing Optometry” gives the complete list of CE requirements.

The licensee is responsible for keeping copies of his/her continuing education hours in a safe place. The Board requests that you retain written proof of CE hours for the current and previous licensing periods. The Board uses the Associations of Regulatory Boards of Optometry (ARBO)’s CE computer database system to begin CE audits. 

If you have any questions, please email info@wvbo.org