30 days before the License Interview.

The Board License Interview is given in conjuction with a regular WV Board of Optometry Board meeting. Please email the Board at info@wvbo.org for more information about the next interview dates.

The Board’s rule, §14-01-03, lists the documents required to be submitted with the application. One additional piece of information must be added that began to be required in 2011 is a passing score on the NBEO’s injection examination or ISE.  More information on the injection administration requirements is listed in Laws and Rules Governing Optometry, §14-11, and the Injection Packet.

West Virginia Board of Optometry, 179 Summers Street, Suite 231, Charleston, WV 25301, Phone: (304) 558-5901, Fax: (304) 558-5908, Email: info@wvbo.org

You may file a complaint by clicking on “Consumer Issues and Information.”  There is a complaint link you may click to get the fillable online form.  There is also a Medical Record Release Form in that section that should be submitted so the Board may thoroughly investigate your complaint.   The optometrist has 30 days to respond in writing to the Board.

We only have jurisdiction over optometrists. If a patient takes his/her prescription somewhere else and is not happy, it is not in our jurisdiction to require anything from opticians or optical shops.

Fee refunds are a part of the individual doctor’s office policy and not in our jurisdiction. Complaints about the quality of eye care you recieved or the proper correction of your eye problem and eye health are always invesitgated by the Board. Complaints that are found to be under the jurisdiction of another agency, such as the Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division, are forwarded by the Board to those agencies.

Click on “Consumer Issues and Information” There is a sentence at the top that says “Find an Optometrist click here.  Click on the green “click here” to search by name or by city.

Use the “Verify License” button from the homepage, write to 179 Summers Street, Suite 231, Charleston, WV 25301 or email us at info@wvbo.org

The fee is $25.00 per written verification. 

A list of all WV licensed optometrists is available under “Optometrist List” on the Home Page. The fee for the entire list is $200.00.

You may contact us via fax or e-mail.

40 hours every two-year reporting period (updated March 2024)

The Board of Optometry uses a biennial system for counting the 40 hours of CE required. Those 40 hours are counted for every even numbered, two-year cycle. 

The West Virginia Legislature updated the CE Requirements in March 2024:

A minimum of 12 CE hours in ocular pharmacology or therapeutics.

No limit of hours taken in practice management. 

No drug diversion CE is required for renwal.

A maximum of 10 hours of study may be taken by correspondence or the internet.

ALL licensees must take at least 2 hours of CE in injections.   

7 years from the date of the last visit.

June 30th of every year.